Thursday, October 26, 2006

We are getting warmer !!!

There is a warning from a group of scientists from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, that 2005 was the warmest year on record since the last major ice age nearly 12000 years ago. The other statistics are even terrifying.

When the industrial revolution began, the Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere stood at 280 parts per million. Today it's 380 ppm and is continuously rising. An estimate from a NASA's scientist James Hansen says that human made GHG's (Green House Gases) have warmed the Earth by 0.6 degree Celsius over past three decades. Even though this looks quite sober, the further rise in the temperature by 1 degree Celsius will equal the maximum level experienced in a million years. A warmer world will have an adverse effect on the biodiversity. Around 1700 species of plants, animals, insects have already moved towards polar regions since the second half of the 20th century.

This clearly tells us that day by day we are getting warmer, and there is a steady rate for this to happen. If this continues, the day will not be far long, when we all have to shift to the polar regions finding some place in Igloos'. The choice is ours, either control the pollution or go to hell !!!

One thing we can certainly do. We can start planting a new seed on each of the upcoming birthday. And more importantly, we will grow it, look after it, nourish it like the way we brought up the newly born baby.

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