Sunday, February 03, 2008

A waste of 3 / 4 hours

One of my friends called me yesterday and said that he wanted to meet me. I was not in much contact with him and since he has called me after long time, I said yes. We met near my company and he asked me to come with him to a place. Neglecting my question, "Where are we going?" he took me to a cafe restaurant in Kothrud where I was supposed to meet his new FRIENDS. These guys ( who work for so called "Indian Software Giant" firms) earn money in their leisure time by working for a company in chain marketing. I was brought there to meet a guy who was very good in marketing that company's product, a gold coin which costs 30,000 rupees. To prove his point, that the coin is not just a 'lump of gold but a rare piece of art' ( fyi, this coin is for numismatist), he started to give me company's overall information.

I was not told that I will be sitting for his presentation when my friend took me to the place. Maybe that's because my friend ( who is a part of the chain) must have thought that after hearing it, I might not come with him. But I wasn't new to the presentation. This company is supposed to work in 100+ domains and have a variety of products, and being a so called smart software professional (who knows nothing but working for 5 days a week and freaking out on weekends, still considered as the brilliant of all white collared corporate people), he invited me to listen to his plan . So, the presentation started off with a question 'Do you want to earn money or not' ? I was kind of surprised, first thing is I just know this person ( the presentation guy) for not more than 5 minutes and he is asking me a question for which everyone will answer 'yes'. I don't want to start the presentation with a shade of quarrel so I answered yes. Then the guy was like unstoppable. He explained me like what is the company, showed me the details (registration no., ISO-9001 certificate, some token of appreciation from some British Institution) for authentication. Then he talked about various products that the company makes and came to the point that I should also invest my money to one of their products , a gold coin.

This was not a normal gold coin, but instead the one on which you get an embossed image of a famous personality. The company get these coins minted from some German minting company and for each image that it emboss, pays royalty to the person who is being embossed. This was about the coin, what I was supposed to do was to pay 30,000 Rs. to a person and get this coin ( which was assumed to be of 99.9999999% purity, 24 carat gold) to join their business. If I want to earn some money, I should refer few of my contacts so that they can buy this coin. If I could refer total 6 people, my account will be credited with 11,500/- check and as the chain grows up, I will be benefited. To explain the business strategy, he talked about the tree structure of the business, the profit that I will be getting after each 2 raised to n people at each level and so on. Moreover, according to him, this was a zero investment business where you can pay 30,000/- by using the credit cards of several banks ( transferring the money from one bank to another ). Then came the most clashing point, he started comparing this business with that of Ambani's, Tata's and all big shot entrepreneurs. I agreed to his point that by traditional means of a job, one can not make a huge money, but strongly disagreed to his analogy that by doing this business I could be rich like Ambani's. Come on. they did not start a crap chain marketing business, all they had was a vision and a strong desire to achieve their aim. I did not see anything of that sort here. Moreover, these people did not have a product as such which has a potential money making future.

So, after wasting my 2-3 hours listening to that guy's management / marketing fundas, I said "Just stop it, I don't want to hear you anymore" and walked away with my friend. It should have been much more better if we could have met for some REAL BUSINESS or for some social cause or just to say hello. Why are we in search of quick money making mantras ?There are so many things which we can do other than chain marketing, real estates, bidding for stocks and can still earn money. I would definitely love to join a thought provoking seminar or a meeting where people come and discuss ways to CREATE / IMPROVE any open source software, put forward a nice idea that could be marketed or maybe start implement yet another killer software application. I would like to join hands and more importantly contribute to ameliorate the current situation of software field or social atmosphere.

This guy and his plan, I think was just a waste of time and nothing else.


Swati said...

Happens, happens :)

I have been witness to many such presentations! While at home in Mumbai, my parents' long forgotten friends would just pop up from nowhere and give these talks.. that too on Sundays.. Would spoil all our plans for Sunday.. and with "Atithi devo bhav" mantra we couldn't kick them out either!

One incident I distinctly remember is that my dad's acquaintance invited him to a "finance" seminar which had an entry fee of Rs:200 (around 7-8 yrs back). My dad is into finance/investment consultation. This acquaintance sold the idea that this would tell him about the latest market trends and finance domain etc. He went for it only to realise it was a presentation about this chain marketing. And what is worse is that he also paid Rs:200 for it!! :)

Mohsin said...

I had the same experience..(twice) hehe..

First time I did not know what it was, this guy was an old friend from my home town and we were meeting after 5 yrs. The so called presentation caused me to miss the first half an hour of 'Taare Zamin Par' and a severe headache after that.
The second time was day before yesterday. Now I knew what it was, and could have said no, but again I was meeting him (the guy who called me) after a long gap and could not get myself to say no (also, he would not explicitly say what it was, I think they're told to do so).
I really don't understand what pushes so many well trained people to do such things. Is it the easy money, or a pipe dream of becoming a businessman?

I wholeheartedly agree that it was a total waste of time and after going through the deal twice, I am none the wiser.

Anonymous said...

Its frustrating to be caught in situations like this. And sometimes you can't even walk out of it straight-away.

Last year only, I was invited to `this` type of seminar. And a grand one, where they had a big stage and orchestra. And they would start dancing between two speeches (can you belive that?).

Had to make an excuse of having cigarette to get out of the `seminar hall` to avoid the rest of it. I don't smoke by the way :)

Onkar said...

that was really bad, maybe you can sue that person for wasting your Sunday ;-)

If I were at your place, I would have slapped that person, who ate your time, man, how can you miss an hour of Taare Zamin Par ?

Hey, may I know your name please? I guess, if you don't mind, please write your name in your comment ( if you still want to be anonymous, you can still comment, no problem)
I know these guys, some of them make money and spend some part of it in a get together usually in Aundh / Baner. They even have a up liner-down liner kind of chain in which they send SMS to each other in order to confirm the place of meeting.... holy crap :-(

Mohsin said...

I always try to play Gentleman, but succeeded at the wrong time..[:-D]

Anonymous said...

I know you.
that's all I would say for now :)

Mohsin said...

But I don't know you Mr(very little chance of you being Ms/Mrs)Anonymous..
Will you reveal your identity?

Paresh said...

Man..this money naking strategy exists from a long time...i remember my parents being approached with this idiotic idea...
I cant believe even educated ppl fall for this...i guess money makes a person do all sort of crazy n sometimes stupid stuff...
I completely agree with onkar...these ppl deserve 1 tight slap...

@mohsin: U n Gentleman...lmao... :-P

Onkar said...

yes, the people who are in this BUSINESS are mostly Software Professionals, because they are the ones who can afford paying 30,000/- for a gold coin. And they do mention this thing in their presentations, however whenever they refer to IT people, suddenly they start thinking of a smart and intelligent creature on Earth. This is one of the most clashing points. Other professionals should also be considered talented since these people also show the creativity in their respective fields.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me if there is any fraud in this. A friend of mine is blindfolded by it and I need to show her the bad side of it. Please help.