Monday, March 17, 2008


Yesterday I went to PICT ( Pune Institute of Computer Technology ) to see their national level technical event called Concepts-2008. I have always loved such events, the reason is I really enjoy watching people materializing some really cool ideas into reality. More importantly it gives a well set platform to students who wish to contribute to the diverse and dynamic world of technical advancements. Unfortunately our educational system differentiates students depending on their grades / marks in a particular examination and not on their understanding. I am not against it, in fact I agree that this is the fairest way to measure one's academical abilities. But, we must think that there lies a huge real world which needs problem solvers and not bookworms who are practically of no use. Such event are the places where we can find these independent thinker and problem solvers.

Concepts has always been a great place to present your project in front of large cognizant audience. The people who have expertise in a particular area come to judge your projects, sometimes you are praised sometimes completely trashed. But that's not important. What is important is you get a place where you can show that look, this is what I can do. I may not have good marks, but hey, I am good at this. I may not be amongst the smartest in the class, but I have proved myself that I am amongst the best in certain domain. Some startups deliberately sponsor and judge such events in order to find the hidden potential amongst the students and call them for interviews if they feel the candidate is apt for it. I believe, it's the best way to catch the young talent.

PICT has got a good tradition of taking initiative in such events, they deserve all praise. They also have got a good alumni network which really cares for their juniors and nourish the talent. Unfortunately this does not happen in all colleges, some of them are still stuck in the old theories emphasizing more on attendance and jeopardizing one's career for the sake of it. I pray, one day these colleges will understand what's really important and learn from their mistakes.

I should have attended Concepts for all three days but could not do so. Last day is so short to see all good projects. Good job PICT, keep it up !!!

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