Wednesday, November 26, 2008

India - the land of eunuchs

For those who don't know the meaning of eunuch, let me clear - it means following
  • A castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts.
  • A man or boy whose testes are nonfunctioning or have been removed.
  • An ineffectual, powerless, or unmasculine man.

I, being an Indian fit in that definition. Because there is nothing that I can do to save my country from those bastards who did the heinous act in Mumbai. I am feeling like a hijada or chakka since I don't have any control on thing happening in Mumbai. I can see news and feel extremely agitated by looking at dead bodies, I can curse politicians and the corrupted system once again, I can blame a certain group or religion for it at the same time I can point out the flaws of India's homeland security system, I can badmouth the so called “intelligence” agencies in India, I can suggest prime minister of India to launch a fierce war against Pakistan, I can tell him to surge in the military forces in Pak Occupied Kashmir, I can dream of driving a fighter aircraft bombing all over the terrorist hotspots. I can think of starting POTA once again. But in reality, nothing will happen. You know why, because we all are eunuchs. We can only see them coming with weapons in hands, starting carnage all over the place. This is fact, and they have proved it one more time!

Today news channels are filled up with "live coverage" of how terrorist could kick our asses and tomorrow they will cover special condolence / condemnation programs. Nothing will change; Mumbai will start its routine once again like nothing has happened. People will blame others, go home, sleep and start another day. Some pundits will argue that "this is life! Shit happens and it happens every other day!” Several people like me will waste yet another important page on internet by writing this useless post and nothing else. The government being the most powerful entity on Earth will promise that they will find out the brains behind it and start up a new team to investigate the matter (which might find out the real culprits). Bollywood will produce one more masala movie showing how powerful a just another stupid common man could be. Those who have lost their family members were the ones, who will remember this day for rest of their lives.

Great job India! The world salutes you for your cowardliness and inability to act on any terrorist attack! It salutes you for being consistent and successful target of terrorism ... There is no other country in this world which is as eunuch as you....

Keep it up! Let people die and let the evil win.....Hats off....