Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Movie week

This is been a movie week for me. My new roomies are having about 35-40 movies on their computer's hard drives. So, from two days I am enjoying a home theater. The movies I saw in two days are The Cinderella Man and The Pink Panther.

I was planning to watch The Cinderella Man right on its release day. But my plans didn't work as exams came in between. So, I missed that chance. But this time I was lucky enough.
As per my expectations, James Braddock (Russel Crow ) was outstanding. It is his one of those power-packed performances. The movie is inspired from a true story and goes into those recession days or days of great depression. It shows us the story of James, a supposedly washed out boxer, who comes back and becomes an inspiration of billions of Americans.

The other one, Pink Panther is a lighter story of a man who thinks himself as world's most admired detective. The story revolves around a pink panther, a priceless diamond. This diamond is somehow stolen and then followed by a murder of the owner of Pink Panther. Steve Martin ( Mr. Closore') is appointed as an inspector to investigate this matter. The way Steve Martin finds out the culprit is amazing. The movie shows some fantastic incidents created out of mismatches between French-English accents. e.g when Martin was asked to show up his pocket on the airport. The way he pronounces "hamburger" is awesome. One thing to watch in this movie is the brilliant use of French accents. Steve Martin really creates a typical Frenchman on screen. And Beyonce Knowles as always looks stunning.

These are my two shows in two days...
Right now I am tempted to watch the remaining collection of my room-mate.
I have already scribbled my calender and wrote this week as The Movie Week!!!!

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