Thursday, September 28, 2006

A. R. Rehman talks about music and music artists

Some days before, one of my friends went to a meeting. The meeting was arranged for all fans of A.R. Rehman. He sent me a message having Rehman's quote which goes like this:

" If a music artist wants to blossom into a full-pleaded person, its not enough if he knows only classical music; nor it is enough if he is well versed only in ragas and techniques.
Instead, he should be a knowledgeable person interested in life and philosophy.
In his personal life there should be at least in some corner of his heart, a tinge of lingering sorrow."

I think this is the best message which a music icon can give to all of his followers or music- aspirants. This is so true. I am a poor fellow when it comes to talk about music and its related fields. But when a legend says, it definitely makes a difference. Probably the days from which Rehman rose, must have made a deep impact on him and their might be some "tinge of sorrow" in his life which made him what he today is.

Being a poor fellow, I can only think is before human learned how to talk, he must have learned the music. He must have listened to the wind, to the sea, to the nature and His creations. And that might be the reason why even today, we get a lot of stimuli's when we listen to some great music.

I think music is the essence of life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's why Life is