Friday, December 15, 2006

Absence of choice...

I had a thought in mind "The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare" . And I want to write something about this thought.

Firstly, what is a choice? Choice is the process of making out one selection from a number of available options. Naturally, to make a choice, you should have more than one options.
I think that throughout the whole life, we never had an absence of choice. Here the stress is on the word absence of choice and not on choice. So, we do have choices, but to go with them or not is the decision to make.
Even if we broader our view a little bit, we could say that even animals also have sense of choices. Think of how they find their mate? There is a certain ritual of doing that choice.

So, what could be the circumstances and what are the choices? The decision of going with one of the choices depends largely on various factors. They could be economical, moral factors. They could be the factors involving relationships. responsibilities. e.g. a person scores good marks in an exam and still he could not opt for a good university just because its costly. A person, feels that he is a maverick, he wants to leave his job, grow long hairs, devote his life for guitar.
But he can't do it!!!
Also time is the most crucial factor. Even if I go with one of my choices and later found that I chose a wrong way, the time doesn't permit me to get back my old days from where I started.

So, in all what I think is, all the time we play a game of choices, one who gets it right, goes through, one who doesn't, flunks...

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